Today was a big day for us. We had a wonderful celebration with our family and friends for Timothy's first birthday. I know that his real birthday is not until Tuesday but we decided to have that as a family day and spend today with the friends and family that have been more then awesome throughout Timothy's life and loss.
I will post more later but I was asked several times today how I was doing. I had a great time and as long as I didn't think about why we were all together I was fine. But as soon as I started thinking about the fact that we were having a birthday cake with out a birthday boy I would start to get choked up. Then I would change my focus and try to just enjoy all of the fun activities. I wanted today to be a celebration not a memorial. I will save my tears and frustration for Tuesday...but today was wonderful.
I can't wait to post some pictures but I'm too exhausted right now. I hope to post those tomorrow.
Can't wait to share how we decided to honor his memory (it was the one time I did get a little choked up).
Thanks to everyone that has supported us. Some of you I see daily, some occasionally, many I have never met, but all of you have helped me in many ways. I appreciate every prayer that you have shared, every email, every card, and every hug. You are a wonderful support group that God has blessed our family with!