Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Note from Dad

So, often times you find that this is great outlet for mothers to vent their feelings, and often times you don't hear from the dads that are going through this, and what they are feeling.

Well, Jen has done a wonderful job documenting our journey. It is, in my view, hard for a man in these situations to let down his guard, and have a soft shoulder for his wife.

As men, we are to be strong, protect, and be an example for God. It wasn't till 26 weeks along until I shed my first tear. We had a church event and the message was to have a faithful heart and trust God. Granted, I might have missed some of the message as I had to step out a few times, but this was what God wanted me to hear. As it hit me, the only thing I could do was call my wife.

It's somewhat funny how God works too. After the church event, my closest friends happened to stick around for games. Our discussion that night will be one that is never forgotten. Thanks gents for the encouragement, love and prayers.....and letting me win!

I tell you men that it is a courageous thing to open up to your wife. More over, opening up to your wife and talking about something as intimate as this is, will bring you together as God intended.

I love our baby boy Timothy. Aside from T18, he is still a Currey; kicking Jen, waking her up to go to the bathroom and loves to jump on her bladder! It is sad that we won't have a long time with him, but as we are going through this, I know God is right next to us and will bless us. Besides, how cool is it that he gets to meet Him sooner then later.

Finally, I want to tell you all that my wife is awesome. She is a loving wife, great mother and strong. Yes, this is a trying time, but I know that we can get through this. My prayer for you men is that you hug your wife, tell her that you love her and be courageous by opening up to her.


The Finnestad Family said...

Kevin, I know this will be one of the most treasured Journal Entries Jen has here. You two are amazing!

Christina Smith said...

And Jen, you are amazingly blessed to know you are trusted to hold your husband's heart. Wow, I'm blessed just with your transparency! Thank you!